Monday, September 26, 2011

In the Holiday Mode

Holidays, holidays, two weeks of full on no studying, no homework, no worries... wrong. 

Yet again, sorry for the cliche and whatever, but these two weeks of supposed holidays is actually a full on study sesh. No, I'm not in year 12 and worrying about VCE (for those living in Victoria), yes, I am in highschool and I'm not in Middle School, but yes, I do value my studies very much.

In all honesty, it's annoying when older kids tell you things like, "Oh it's just year >insert your year level here<", "Who cares about year >you get the gist<" or "See what happens when you reach year 11 or year 12."

Yes, I understand that they're the more important years of school, but it doesn't mean that I shouldn't even try for the current year we're in. We don't want to fail school! Except maybe for those who just don't give a bee's bottom. We still want to be able to reach our goals and do good. I don't know, maybe it's just my friends and I, but I'm pretty sure many others out there feel the same way.

Back to the main topic however, these 'holidays' is organised as such: 
Wake up late.
Zone out for a few minutes.
Go out of your room to get some food.
Yawning and thinking of going back to sleep.
Have the urge to study.
Take a shower instead.
Thinking about studying.
Going online after thinking about studying.
Watch a movie.
Yawn sesh.
Day wasted.

I don't want my day to be like that!! I have promised myself that I will be productive these holidays! I feel that I've accomplished something though with some cleaning and some musical instrument a-playin but the studying is the harder goat to pull in. I need like a male goat to attract it or something.

But I'm glad for the break, thank God for no homework but still praying for motivation. It's a hard task but I'm not going to be slack. Definitely not. Exams in less than a month, I'm going to be kicking your butt after these holidays.


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