Tuesday, November 29, 2011

While talking to my friend V, today about how I love a sweet-romance when it comes to a story, I stumbled upon this particular one and I absolutely loved it!
Defiance: The Anthology
 Have a good read of it. It's short but sweet, like shortcrust pastry or a small chocolate bar. I shall give my movie review of Defiance very soon, but here's a little sneak peak:

Defiance: A Movie Review
Defiance is an absolutely amazing movie. Set during World War II in the Belarussian forests, Jewish brothers, Tuvia, Zus, Asael and Aron set off to avenge the deaths of their beloved family and friends; by staying alive.

Joining forces with the Russian partisan (resistance fighters) they endeavoured to build a village in the intimate location of the forests in order to protect themselves and more than 1000 Jewish non-combatants. The four brothers found the impossible task of scrounging for food and weapons while being hunted down by the Germans. 

This movie is a highly recommended movie and a truly moving film with amazing performances from Daniel Craig and Liev Schreiber and young stars Jamie Bell and Mia Wasikowska.


  1. Dearest Book Blogger,
    The movie itself has a very sweet romance that I shall post about very soon. If you click on the link above, it will take you to the 'sweet romance' story I was referring to.


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