Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pride & Prejudice... yet again.

Today I finally have my own copy of Pride and Prejudice The Movie in Blu-Ray! Happiest as can be and I see a drowning bee.

Right there, just beside my father's beautifully dead roses. They need some water and a good hit of Spring weather. Winter's doing them no good.

Happy as can bee. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

A Childhood Favourite: Winnie the Pooh

I have many childhood favourites in terms of TV shows. It goes back to the likes of Powerpuff Girls, Cow and Chicken, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Art Attack, The Looney Tunes Show and so forth, but I have to say the topper of that list is good 'ol Winnie the Pooh.

I absolutely adore that yellow, hunny-loving, no-pants-wearing bear! Every time the show came up, I would stop what I'd be doing, get as comfortable as possible and have a good watch. It was just so funny and the characters are absolutely lovable! Not to mention that it's funny too!
Here's just one of the many reasons why Winnie the Pooh is a favourite: 

Here comes Pooh...

Don't you just love him?!

I'd give him a cuddle and a hunny jug for that subtle Chandler Bing-ish comment.

le TV Survey

If you're not much of a TV fan, then I suggest you skip this post, since you wouldn't enjoy it. I enjoyed it because I'm a watcher. But if the curiosity bug hits, then by no means, go for it.

Pick your favourite 5 (International) shows and answer the following questions:

1. Harper’s Island
2. Vampire Diaries
3. F.R.I.E.N.D.S
4. Bones
5. Big Bang Theory

Who is your favourite character in 2?
Damon Salvatore

Who is your least favourite character of 1?
a HUGE tie between Madison and Richard

What is your favourite episode of 4?
Season 4, Episode 16 "The Bones that Foam"
-Funniest episode ever!

What is your favourite season of 5?
Ooh, tricky, probably season 1.

What is your favourite relationship in 3?
Nothing romantic because they're all quite boring.
But, bromance wise, definitely Chandler and Joey!

Who is your anti-relationship in 2?
Caroline & Matt

How long have you watched 1?
Two days ago and I need to re-watch it again!

Who is your favourite actor in 5?
Sheldon Cooper

How did you become interested in 4?
Got bored one random Sunday night, flipping through channels and stumbled upon it. Fell in love and fully watched all episodes and just recently returned the box sets of Seasons 3-5 to a friend.

Which show do you prefer, 1, 3 or 5?
I absolutely ADORE Harper's Island, LOVE F.R.I.E.N.D.S and CAN'T LIVE without Big Bang Theory.

Which show have you seen more episodes from, 2 or 4?
Bones, because it definitely has more episode and Vampire Diaries, I haven't even seen the complete Season 2 yet because no one has the DVD. Sadness...

If you could be anyone from 3, who would you be?
Chandler Bing for the win!

Give a random quote from 5.
Sheldon: Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.

Would a 1/4 crossover work?
That would be the coolest thing! For sho!

Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
Vampire Diaries doesn't really have a definite theme that I can remember but Bones has a catchy tune. When I hear it, I run.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pride & Prejudice

Starting this week, my class will be studying on a new book for English Literature and it happens to be Pride and Prejudice.

As a big fan of the movie where Keira Knightley portrayed witty Miss Elizabeth Bennet, I am beyond excited to do this as an assessment.

Then again, many would think, "Oh but young girl, that movie is absolutely abhorring and I'm fearful to say that it rendered the book, forgive me for saying, rather atrociously as it did not follow Jane Austen's remarkable plot as it should be."

Shush. I don't care whether it followed the book page for page or not. I will not see the Pride and Prejudice TV Series that goes for more than 6 hours which my English teacher said, "Only covered about 1/3 of the book."

I love the movie and currently loving the book and I must say I am perfectly content in my standing whether others like it or not.

Till the next ball!

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